Commodore’s Story #4

By Wayne McNabb

While chatting with a former CYC member last week I was explaining our 50th club anniversary. He asked if I remembered the newspaper article he wrote many years ago. I couldn’t recall the article. Ray Mickevicius dropped this off to me. I found it intriguing, capturing his feelings during a sail on our new Siren sailboat and expressing how much he and his wife Carol enjoyed their afternoon.

This boat was our first. We were extremely happy with our purchase from the manufacturer in Owen Sound. I had always dreamed of sailing and this small daysailer gave us our chance.

With zero sailing experience other than reading a copy of Learn to Sail, Lyndell and I ventured out past the harbour entrance into Georgian Bay. The day was warm and bright with a favourable sailing breeze. As we wallowed in the light swell trying to remember the points of sail while reading the wind burgee, crew confidence was rightfully and rapidly diminishing.

Along our stern quarter, I detected an unusual humming sound and turned to see Joe Draper and Al Woolnough in full plane aboard Joe’s Albacore. Al shouted the obvious, “Wayne, do you need a hand”? Next thing I knew Al stepped aboard and commenced a beginner’s lesson on the art of sailing. I thought it was such a nice gesture, and we followed his guidance closely. It was a welcome start to many happy sailing years, introducing us to fine new friends in the community boat club, CYC.

After reading Ray’s article I realized he had captured the feeling so many of us experience while sailing. I wish to include this in our 50th memory collection. Ray and Carol Mickevicius subsequently joined our club, participated in activities and were thoroughly engrossed in the pleasures of sailing.

The article was published on January 29, 1994. Thank you, Ray and Carol.

Carol Mickevicius – 1974
Ray Mickevicius – 1974